Thursday, March 5, 2009

Free Coupons!

Sometimes it is so much fun to see what will come in the mail. The bills are a given, but there was a nice surprise today from Central Market (HEB). This store is not in my area, but I did stop in there one day when going to the zoo. I'm guessing they got this info. from my debit card and put me on a mailing list. (3) great value coupons. One for a free rotisserie chicken, one $10 off produce ($40 purchase required) and one $10 off my purchase ($40 purchase required). It doesn't bother me that I have to purchase other things to get the $10 off since the store isn't that far away. I think I'll use the rotisserie chicken coupon next weekend and since I'll be in that area go have a picnic at the Japanese gardens, which I was surprised to find out have free (love that word) admission!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Plants and other stuff

Well, it happened. I found out that people quickly lose interest in your blog when you haven't updated it in like 5 years. Maybe a little bit of an exaggeration, but it seems like 5 years. There was a nice surprise waiting for me when I went on my patio yesterday to check on my plants. My little baby strawberry has about 20 little berries forming on it, so I am hopeful for a decent harvest!(enjoy the pic) Btw, anyone that does container gardening, Miracle Grow does help. The lettuce plant was at the end of production so I cut it all back. If it doesn't produce again I'll get some new plants. I am waiting for dill plants to go on sale so I can grow some of that.

When I think about plants and the weather gets nice, I start thinking about Easter. Has anyone ever done an easter basket exchange? Maybe it's a little too late in the game for this year, but if anyone is interested, drop me a line.

Mail has been kind of exciting this week. I got a coupon for a free Digiornio pizza from a mail in rebate offer, a $20 rebate from some new tires I purchased for my Scion TC, a $5 Starbucks gift card for doing about a 30 second survey for Beazer homes, and some rebate forms from trades that I made. This is the first time that I've really gotten into rebates, and I kind of like getting little checks in the mail. I'll try and post a mail review every week.

Found coin challenge update: This is almost funny. Normally I find coins all over the ground adding up to a dollar or more a week, but since I posed this challenge almost a month ago on the Frugal Challenge boards I have literally only found 2 cents. lol.. I actually went out and bought a new piggy for this.. HE'S HUNGRY! I hope all the rest of you out there are having better luck on your treasure hunts. Hey, one place I did see as good coin picking potential has me a little stumped. I was at Seaworld last week and in the game room area there are wood floors with little slats in them. If you look in the cracks there are quarters, tokens and lots of other treasure in there. I didn't think it would be appropriate for me to spend 5 hours on the floor with a pair of tweezers, so I'll stick with looking down when I'm in a parking lot.

Part of stretching myself to my frugal limits has been to find new ways to entertain myself that don't involve going out and spending money (at least as little as possible). I'm dragging out my box of craft items and have been working on some coin purses. I'll try and post a pic as soon as I get one completed. I have also decided to teach myself how to knit. Some of the yarns you can get now are SO beautiful (I bought a skein of burgandy chenille yarn) and am trying to make an afghan. This should be good for a few laughs as soon as the shape forms something identifiable.

Well, this is what's been happening this week. I've been enjoying checking out some other blogs, and I'm still trying to come up with a great idea for a giveaway (It will definitely happen before Easter). Have a great day everyone and please stop by again.