Saturday, January 29, 2011


     I was organizing some of my craft and sewing items today and decided to round up all the vintage buttons I've collected from various thrift stores and put them in a clear plastic container (also found at the thrift store).  It started me thinking about why I can't pass up the chance to own more, despite having hundreds already.  Just another link from my childhood I suppose.... one of my favorite things to do at my grandma's house was go in her bedroom closet and get out the old shoebox FULL of vintage buttons.  There was every kind you could imagine; glass, plastic, metal, wood and in every color you could dream of.  I would sit on the floor and play for hours.  I would string them, pretend they were pirate treasure, and just pick them up and admire them.  Today my own collection isn't nearly as fascinating as that old shoebox, but there are wooden, pearl, glass, metal, plastic and various other materials.  Unlike grandma's...many of the buttons I have found are still on the original cards.  Some of my favorites are probably from the 1920's and are beautiful green glass.  Maybe someday I will take them off the cards and find a special project for them!

1 comment:

  1. I think part of the appeal of buttons is that they are tied to our childhoods. Plus when you add a button to anything you can change the whole look.

    I can't wait to see your collection.
