Friday, November 13, 2009


I'm so excited to be doing a few giveaways this holiday season. Since I am going with the theme "My Favorite Things" I thought I would start with one of the simple pleasures. I know a lot of you bloggers out there like to sew and do crafts etc. Recently I was putting together a sewing box for myself and needed a pincushion. I came across this wonderful seller on Ebay (Bluebird*Mountain). Sooo, for my giveaway I am giving to one lucky winner one of her great pincushions. A lot of them are made with vintage fabrics and buttons and this adorable angel fabric one is no exception. I will choose the winner on Sunday at noon. Simply respond to this post and pick a number between 1 and 100, and also a number between 1 and 1,000 (in the event I get over 100 entries). I have my numbers written down already and the winner will be the person who comes closest without going over. Also, leave a way for me to get ahold of you in case you are the winner. Good luck, and please tell everyone you know in blog land.. I will be doing more of my favorite things givewaways over the next couple of weeks. Oh, and a big thank you to Janice at Bluebird*Mountain on Ebay for making these wonderful pincushions. Note: Prize will be shipped directly to winner from Bluebird*Mountain.

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